It has always been swamiji's exhortations that every single thought in us emanates from the vasanas and samskaras, more so if these thoughts are good ones and relate to the Almighty. God's whisper unto you is always there but you fail to recognise it. The whisper is like the unfolding of the bud, bit by bit, a fraction at a time, until the flower blooms full and bright. Then you see the ESSENCE of birth . In some blessed ones it occurs immediately but for most of us it takes long - several births sometimes. Every form of study, be it the sciences or the arts , shall finally have to come to a meeting point - to resolve the mystery of birth and death - the quintessence of our life itself .
The question of "wherefrom and whither to" and the quest to find its solution is what made him a swamiji.
" Sarva sastra, prayochanam tatva darshanam "

Wednesday, June 17, 2009